Cut Your Sugar Habit in Less Than a Week

Here’s a horrifying fact. The average American consumes about 160 pounds of refined sugar every year. Think about that for a minute. That’s a lot of sugar. Just two hundred years ago we only used about 20 pounds of sugar per person per year. We know all this sugar is unhealthy for us. It’s rotting our teeth, giving us Type II Diabetes, and contributing to the epidemic of obesity in the western world.

The bad thing is that added sugar has found its way into all sorts of foods we consume on a daily basis. How would you like to stop eating it and change your diet in less than a week? Best of all, how would you like to stop craving candy and sweets and eat healthy, real food instead? You can do it by following this simple step by step plan. Focus on a different goal each day and before the end of a week, you’ll have broken that sugar habit. Let’s begin.

Day One – Keep Track Of Your Daily Sugar Intake

For the first day, simply keep track of how much sugar you’re eating. Write down everything you eat and drink and start adding up how many grams of sugar you’re consuming. Add it all up at the end of the day.

Now the gram amount probably won’t mean much to you. Grab your calculator and use this formula to figure out how many teaspoons of sugar you’ve had. Each teaspoon of sugar has about 4 g of sugar in it. So take your total grams and divide them by 4. How many teaspoons of sugar have you ingested today? If you need a visual aide, grab the sugar jar and measure it out into a bowl. If you’re anything like the average American, it will be quite a lot of sugar. Seeing the amount in front of you will help you make it through the next five days and work hard at cutting back on the sugar you consume.

Day Two – Cut The Sugar From Your Favorite Drinks

There’s a lot of sugar hiding in your favorite drinks. Today I want you to focus on cutting it out of everything you drink. That means no more soda, no sugar or fancy creamer in your coffee, no sugar or honey in your tea, and no fruit juices. Pay attention to everything you drink and if it has sugar, skip it. Stick to water, club soda, black coffee (with milk or cream), and unsweetened tea. Keep up this habit of sugar-free drinks throughout the rest of the week.

Day Three – Change Your Breakfast

Today we’ll change up breakfast. Instead of grabbing a bowl of sugary cereal, a breakfast bar, or a donut, go for something without sugar. Fry up some eggs, or fix a bowl of oatmeal sweetened with stevia or a little dry fruit. Unsweetened yogurt is another great choice. Find a couple of sugar-free breakfast treats you like and start having them each day instead of your sweet breakfast options.

Day Four – Skip The Sweet Treats and Snacks

It’s time to give up your favorite sweet snacks and desserts. No more cookies, candy, or ice cream. Yes, this is going to be hard, but you can do it. Instead, reach for a piece of fruit or cut up some fresh veggies. Focus on eating real food and bigger portions during your main meals. Without the blood sugar spikes and dips that your favorite sugary treats cause, you’ll find you won’t be as hungry in between meals. The first few days will be hard, but it will get easier.

Day Five – Find Healthy Alternatives For Your Favorite Treats

When you really crave a little something sweet or feel like you must have some sort of dessert choose a natural option. Have a piece of fruit instead of cake or turn frozen banana slices, cream, and vanilla extract into mock ice cream in the blender. Fruit smoothies are also naturally delicious, and sweet without any added sugar.

Find a few things you enjoy. If you’re craving chocolate, grab a bar of dark chocolate with little added sugar and allow yourself one or two squares a day. Moderation is key with these healthy sweet treats.

Day Six – Watch For Hidden Sugars

Last but not least start watching out for hidden sugars. Start getting into the habit of reading labels. Anything that’s labeled low fat, fat-free, or gluten-free is worth avoiding since the fat is usually replaced by lots of sugar and salt to make it palatable. Words like glucose, fructose, and high fructose corn syrup – pretty much anything ending in -ose will alert you to added sugar sources.

Your best bet is to stick to real food. Stick with single ingredients and cook your meals from scratch. This allows you to control what’s going into the food you eat – including the sugar. Follow this advice and you’ll be free of that sugar habit in less than a week.