How Healthy is Your Child’s Diet?

Often in today’s world, children are not receiving proper nutrition. Unfortunately, there are some children whose families are unable to provide healthy foods, however, in too many instances there are other families who don’t realize that the foods they are providing are actually unhealthy.

It is quite often a challenge for some families to even want to create a healthy diet for their children. Their children may be finicky eaters or parents may feel that home-cooked meals don’t fit into their busy schedules. The grocery stores maintain a large stock of processed foods in the marketplace that tempt their fussy eaters and save them time.

The picky kids happily display their disdain for many healthier foods, such as vegetables. Parents who allow their children to be in charge of what they will or won’t eat from an early age are risking a very unhealthy outcome. Due to poor food choices, children are not receiving the important nutrients that their bodies need to grow properly and for their mind and body to function as well as they should.

If a child is not eating a healthy diet, vitamin and mineral supplementation may be necessary. However, many parents don’t even know their children are lacking in important vitamins and minerals. A lack of knowledge about what foods do what for the body is one of the main reasons many children’s diets are inadequate.

Eating a lot and feeling full, doesn’t mean the child has eaten the right foods to satisfy their nutritional needs. Also, if your child ‘eats a lot’ but is always hungry, review the type of food they are eating. Protein and dietary fat will make them feel full for longer and the energy will be released at a steady, useable rate.

If a child is eating large amounts of sugar-based carbs they will continually be feeling hungry and looking for more. They will also display more behavioral problems as a result of blood sugar swings affecting their emotions. If your child has become addicted to a high-carb diet of processed food and sugary drinks you will have to slowly wean them from those items and steadily incorporate healthier foods into their daily diet. Sudden deprivation will cause resistance and tantrums that will weaken your resolve to make wise choices for
your child.

So what healthy food choices should be included in your children’s diet and how can parents tempt their picky eaters to eat their dinner?

Kids love sweets, but where possible, offer naturally sweet healthy foods, such as fruit, rather than cookies or sugary treats. You can also add a little bit of honey to sweeten some dishes, which will make them more appealing to kids. Yes, there’s sweetness added, but if they eat their honey carrots rather than no vegetables at all, that’s a win. You can gradually eliminate the honey over time, as their palate accepts the new foods.

Carbohydrates do not have to be eliminated from the diet as they are a source of energy. However, limit the high carb foods, such as bread, cereals, oatmeal, and pasta. There are plenty of healthy carbs, so choose the foods that will give your child the energy they require and not contribute to excessive weight gain.

Proteins are super important. Make sure your children eat plenty of protein-rich foods, such as meats, eggs, and cheese. They are filling and taste great!

Other proteins that most kids actually like are milk and yogurt. These foods are rich in calcium and other nutrients that are important for growth and development. You can make a ‘healthy’ milkshake (not one loaded with chocolate or flavor mixes) or you can spoil them with yogurt as a special treat for dessert, instead of the ice-cream and topping.

If you want to offer desserts, make them with real fruit and not from canned fruit full of sugary syrup. Oranges are a healthy carb food that will provide children with energy, essential nutrients, and vitamins and build up their immune system. Don’t get into the habit of serving dessert every night even if you think it is a healthy food choice. Bad habits are hard to break and eating sweets every day is not a healthy choice.

Don’t give sweet unhealthy foods as a reward for finishing a vegetable dish. Although it might be effective, it will also condition your child’s mind to resent vegetables and look forward to their treat. As a parent, it is your responsibility to make wise food choices on behalf of your children. It’s unfair to allow them to select easy, tasty choices all the time as they will suffer for it later.

Discuss the positive effects of eating healthy foods with your kids. Make them aware of how necessary a healthy diet is for their growth and well-being. The world is so ‘body-conscious’ it leads to many unhealthy eating disorders. You can take control and feed their mind positively while feeding their bodies a healthy diet.