Is Eating Healthy Too Expensive?

Foods displayed in the sections of the store where products are kept cold and fresh are usually thought to be more expensive than the packaged food located in the middle of the aisles. Fresh foods, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, and other products, are typically believed to cost more than processed foods, which normally have less nutritional value. This assumption often deters people from shopping in the organic sections, because prices are an excuse to eat less nutritious food. This is actually a myth, preventing people who want to better themselves from eating healthier.

There are many methods that people have used to learn to eat healthier organic foods and stick to a budget at the same time, eliminating any excuses to not eat healthily. Once you’ve made room by removing foods that are very unhealthy or foods that you don’t eat as much from your fridge, make a list of meals that you can prepare for yourself – either on meal prep day or throughout the week.

Take Charge of Your Food Choices

Don’t buy any unnecessary items that are not on your list and only purchase what you will definitely eat that week. When thinking of recipes, make sure you check out what fruits and vegetables are in season. Fruits and vegetables that are in season are often cheaper because they’re more plentiful.

If something in season catches your eye, try to stock up a little bit on it and save it in your freezer where it will retain its nutritional value for a long time after the season has passed. In fact, any products that you purchase at the store can be kept in your freezer if stored properly. This is great for saving leftovers, items you want to stock up on, or any ingredients that you don’t want to waste.

Just because you might not always find a good deal in the organic section doesn’t mean you can’t still find healthy frozen fruits and vegetables in the middle aisles of most grocery stores. These frozen foods are almost always cheaper than buying them fresh and are still much healthier than eating processed boxes of instant microwave food. If you’re not a fan of frozen foods and still want everything to be fresh, there are always coupons available at different stores as long as you check your paper or look online for printable deals.

No matter the price, there are always healthy alternatives that will save money and help achieve your health goals. Keep in mind that making a choice between healthy food and processed food isn’t so hard when you realize that most processed foods will be full of carbs, making you hungrier, faster. Choosing lean meats, dairy, and produce instead provides your body with fiber and protein which prevents hunger, longer.